Monday, March 16, 2009

My story

This is my life, as an open book, just for you to take a look,
at what God has done in me, through me and with me,

from the age of three, Jesus has been real to me, not a fairytale like some say, but I know the Life, the Truth and the Way, fairytales are pale in comparison to the real son, the one who has come, to give life more abundantly, and truth be told he’s confronted me, with things from my past, things that were holding me down from a life, free and truly fun to see, miracles and dreams become reality, for in him I have a chance to be who he created me to be you see? There is freedom within and this smile on my dial is a reflection of his love worth while,

when I was a child this didn’t seem true, as people would tease and make fun of me at school, I would come home crying, ask my mum why and, she would say they were lying, not trying, to befriend me, but hurt me, cause of the one living inside me, this Jesus in whom I trusted, whose love could be untested, who wanted my best and would mend this hearts mess, not only from people teasing, but my heart it was needing,

Love but at the age of 16 my dad split the scene, now he didn’t leave our town or the country, but our happy little foursome, whom everyone thought was awesome, whom everyone thought would always stay together, play together and pray together, praying would be the last thing my dad would do, as he turned his back on the God I believed to be true, not knowing the Jesus, he helped teach us, to believe in, made it confusing to see him, leave that life behind, and make up his mind, to walk away from that love so kind, the good thing is that, that love chooses to be blind, to what my dad has become, that love sees he can be someone, it sees his hurt, sees what he’s worth, sees his pain and that he can change, I still pray, for salvation to come to my father one day, for I know its Gods heart he will make a way,

at the age of 18 I entered the performing arts scene, where I would dance and sing trying to excel at this my offering, not only to my God and my king, but to New Zealand they would see me do my thing!, Life Minus Love equals no life at all, I would go round telling them in their schools, streets and halls, as that year of touring came to an end, I started to worry where my road would now bend?, a phone call came, on the day I surrendered everything, all in Jesus name, the voice on the line, said MTC and Hip Hop teaching was what they had in mind, I prayed and searched God for a divine answer, just a little prayer that I would lift, and it all came together with just one gift, my flat mates hat, with one verse stitched on it, that verse said God knew all my plans, and that he would make a stand, to give me a future and a hope, when I heard that I was stoked!, I packed my things and moved out east, one more conformation I asked, one more at least, then as I walked in those doors at Elim East, I saw that same verse, and my heart skipped a beat,

I’m 24 now placed here for a reason, I’m just getting started, for this is the season, where God moves in power, now is the hour, and I’m blessed to be part of this now generation, who’s choice is to be set apart, set apart for New Zealand, I hope you’ve enjoyed my trip down memory lane, some of you I’m sure will never look at me the same, but I leave you with this, an encouraging word, trust God in all you do, let your spirit be stirred, he will never leave, he is here to stay, no matter what life’s struggles may come your way. God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your message.
    How did you know who I was?
    Too obvious?
    I guess we each adopted a special nickname.
